About me

Hi, welcome to my corner of the Internet!

I'm an MPhil student at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). With an interdisciplinary background in Computational Arts (MPhil, HKUST(GZ)) and Engineering (B.Eng, UESTC), my work involves Vision, Visualization, and Visual design. I am committed to exploring visual representation to explain complex ideas and empower humans with the accessible tools for effective visual communication.

I am actively seeking for PhD position of 24Fall!

Research Interest

Revolving around "visual", my research interest lies in Vision, Visualization, and Visual design.

Research goal

With computer vision as design material and user intent as design consideration, I aim to support various stages of visualization/graphic design pipeline, including retrieval, generation, and application. Specifically, my research goals includes:

  • E
    xploring novel designs to represent complex ideas.
  • E
    nhancing user intent-aware workflow to facilitate the design process.
  • E
    mpowering lay users and experts with authoring tools and grammar to achieve visual communication.
  • Upcoming Work

    Here are some logo designs from my upcoming work.




    1. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)

      2022 — Present

      MPhil student of Computational Media and ArtS

    2. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

      2018 — 2022

      Bachelor of Network Engineering

    Research Experience

    1. Human-Computer Interaction Initiative @ HKUST

      2023.6 — 2023.10 | Advised by Prof. Xiaojuan Ma

      - Implement a function that supports generating a semantic typographic logo from an image.

      - Proposed a blending technique to integrate typeface and imagery with user-selected design priors.

      - Developed a tool to author semantic typographic logo design covering ideation, generation, and evaluation.

    2. Collaborative Interactive Visualization & Analysis Laboratory @ HKUST (GZ)

      2022.6 — Present | Advised by Prof. Wei Zeng

      - Co-built visual analytic tool to explore bus operation uncertainty to support transit scheduling.

      - Proposed a framework with disentanglement and multi-modality to enhance intent-aware retrieval.

      - Built an authoring tool encompassing generation and evaluation to create faithful pictorial visualization.

      - Improved visual design retrieval with user intention expansion with text and visual parsing module.

    3. University Of Electronic Science And Technology Of China

      2020.6 — 2021.11 | Advised by Prof. Liangjian Deng

      Proposed a progressive neural network to improve super-resolution for remote sensing images.

    My skills

    • Python
    • DL/ML
    • Vue
    • Design(PS/PR/AI)